Pakistan flood victims export tomatoes, not terrorism

Must read. Pakistan flood victims ‘have no concept of terrorism’Mohammed Hanif on Pakistan’s 20 million flood victims – our “invisible slave army” that exports tomatoes, not terrorism, in BBC’s ‘From our own correspondent’. Includes link to listen to or download podcast.

‘Bridging Partition: People’s Initiatives for Peace’ review

‘Bridging Partition: People’s Initiatives for Peace Between India and Pakistan’ – recent publication including my essay – review in Daily Times

Updated: PIA offers Free Airlift of Relief Goods

Updated: PIA offers Free Airlift of Relief Goods thru its Domestic & International Network

Indian doctors for flood relief? Misleading reports

We hope to be able to get some Indian doctors to volunteer for flood relief in Pakistan as a ‘goodwill gesture’ by Aug 24-25. Their number will certainly not exceed 10-15. It may be another 2-4 weeks before they will be able to go to serve in Pakistan if they are permitted,” clarified an organiser in response to an email today. “The 400 figure is sensationalist, and could be counterproductive”

Fair enough. So where did this story come from? 400 peace doctors may not get visas ??

Help lifesaving supplies get DIRECTLY to

Help lifesaving supplies get DIRECTLY to CHILDREN of Pakistan. Text FLOODS to 864233 to donate $10 to UNICEF USA (<3 Alyssa Milano, Rob Riggle for taking up Pakistan relief cause & highlighting children THANK YOU)

Friends in USA: Send $10 thru your cell

Friends in USA: Send $10 thru your cell phones by texting the word “FLOOD” to 27722 – Set up by US State Dept Pakistan Relief Fund announced by Hillary Clinton today

Doctors protest target killing of colleagues

As the PMA protested in front of the Press Club in Karachi yesterday afternoon over the murder of an Ahmadiyya doctor – a paediatric surgeon at Dow – they got news of the murder of a Shi’a doctor in the city. This is beyond belief. At a time when the country is facing its worst natural disaster ever – these fanatics continue their killing spree, targeting doctors, of all people. See news report. Following is a press release sent out after the doctors’ meeting on Aug 20, 2010: Continue reading

Karachi Relief Trust – Water purifying units (crucial now)

Karachi Relief Trust is a disaster management organization, originally started by a group of individuals (many of whom I know personally) to help those affected by the cyclone in Balochistan & Sindh, in 2007Their website is Karachi Relief Trust & they are now working to help those affected by the worst floods in living memory get back on their feet. Among their most significant contributions is the Pak Paani project – providing water filteration units – EPA certified, 99.9% effective (at removing viruses, bacteria and parasites) LifeStraw Family Instant Microbial Purifiers – KRT is deploying 50,000 purifiers to provide up to 10 million liters of purified drinking water per day. DONATE HERE. MORE DETAILS BELOW

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The real deal. A lifetime, washed away.

The real deal. A lifetime, washed away. Mango farmer, author Daniyal Mueenuddin in NYT

Appeal from Himal Southasia re Pakistan floods

We at Himal Southasian have set up a fund in Kathmandu for those all over Southasia and elsewhere seeking to support the immediate, ongoing relief efforts in Pakistan. Please avail this facility to send money to the victims of floods along the Indus. To donate click here.

No administrative charges will be applied to your support, every paisa will be sent to The Institute for Social Movements-Pakistan (ISM PAK) in Hyderabad (Sindh), working with theOrangi Pilot Project (OPP) on emergency response and support. ISM PAK and OPP urgently need funds for rations, medicine, shelters, drinking water, infant diet support, livestock fodder and vaccination, hygiene kits, makeshift toilets and schooling camps.

— From Urooj Zia in Kathmandu